the Stratford Player’s financially strapped King Lear. Harriet moved well across the stage and convinced us with her efficiency in Public Relations, physiotherapy and, I suspect, as an efficient sponsor’s wife too. Jefferson enjoyed the admiration of two fans from the Company: sweet and adoring B&B owner Mary Plunkett, played by Sian Porter, and the one-man entourage Denis Dobbins, played by Patrick Smith-Tracz. Mary was happy to be in the background, deferential both on and off stage, until she got cross. Then she got very cross indeed which was a joy to see! In a nod to King Lear’s Jester, Patrick gave us a relaxed and funny performance as the joking handyman with well-timed retorts and funny business with the “eyes”. His handling of the mobility scooter was impressive and keeping his nerve and character during its final (slow) exit into the paparazzi was hilarious. Knutsford Little Theatre’s production team showed their usual attention to detail with some well sourced props and appropriate wardrobe. The sound and lighting teams of Jim Broughton, Tony Pickering and Nick Munday were spot on with their varied remit of press packs and paparazzi. I also enjoyed the Elizabethan madrigal interludes and admired the Shakespearean costumes. This is a tongue in cheek, sometimes irreverent, but very affectionate play with a wholesome message of the true value of community theatre. Thanks, as always, for your warm hospitality and a truly enjoyable, fun-filled evening.