Act Reviews 2024 / 2025 Season

as Aunt Eller. Her charisma shone as she tried to defuse the situation. An emotional argument followed this between Jud and Laurey, you could see Laurey vulnerable and Jud as overpowering. Laurey then took refuge and safety in the arms of Curly. The story ended with Laurey and Curly finally getting engaged as you would expect from a traditional love story, although I would have liked to have seen more of a connection between the two leading characters other than just kissing. I would have liked to have seen more eye contact and physical touching/hugging to confirm this relationship. To summarise, the production was enjoyable to watch. It was the first time Lindsay Lowe had directed and she did that well. However, it is now time to elevate and progress her skills as a new director. There were lots of numbers where singing was directed out front to the audience that could have been to other characters, which may have helped the character connections. I hope she receives lots of constructive feedback which will aid her development. The set was visually appealing but limited to the size of the stage. I was thrilled to see NMAODS sell out this production and I can’t wait to see what they produce for their next production as they have some brilliant creatives and cast involved in their society. But I would consider a larger venue, or smaller cast, in the future. Thank you to Paul, Lindsay and Theresa for hosting and I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the future.