scenery itself has to kept to a minimum but be effective. The choreography by Jenny Arundale and Damien Cullen was contained but entertaining. The live music was directed by Collette Stevenson and supported by Charlie Boardman. It was good to see Charlie come on stage to take the bow for the band for himself, Collette, Neil Turner and Bill Lear. The set, created and painted by the set building crew, was simple, colourful, yet user friendly and scene changes were conducted swiftly. There is usually a WOW scene and in this one it was the use of the flying carpet that rose in the air with Aladdin on it. The mechanism was shielded from view with the use of stage smoke. This and the use of pyro techniques were in the capable hands of James Shawcross. Pantomime offers children, both young and old, an opportunity to visit a theatre and be entertained. The audience left with a smile on their face, a husky voice from shouting and running mascara (well mine was) from getting a spray of water from the water gun. All this added to the enjoyment and … FUN! Thank you for the invitation, and I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and see you next year.