his character that made him lovable with the audience. There were other cameo performances throughout: Ken Broadbent and Jean Ratcliffe as the Emperor and Empress along with the rival laundrette owning family of the Browning-Whites; Bev Bennett, Quina Chapman and Luca Taylor. This pantomime had a lot of young performers in the cast. Princess Ruby had a posse of other Princesses; Freya Wilson, Holly Davies, Skye Yates and Bronwyn Wilson that joined in and performed the song and dance elements. They fronted most of these sections and had the younger performers behind them. During this performance Team Magic Ring created their magic and I am sure Team Magic Lamp did just as well in other performances as the Minions and Dune Bugs. The palace guards of Cheese and Pickle had more dialogue and Ro Attherley delivered his with assurity. Imogen Carson stood out as the bossy Pickle and was so confident in her delivery, there was good stage presence. I would not like to meet her on a dark night – LOL! A special thanks needs to go out to all those chaperones who volunteer their time during rehearsals and show week. They are often found guiding youth performers to and from stage and then entertaining them during the show while constantly listening for cue lines. At this venue the playing space puts restrictions on the number of people that can be on stage at any one time. Also the