IN CONCERT Musical Director Phil Boardman Accompanist Nicola White The Three Towns This annual event is guaranteed a capacity audience with its programme of musical delights. The Three Towns presentation with the company in black DJs and black evening dresses, and with all music in society-etched folders, was effective. There was a rewarding discipline between the company and the M.D. all supported by the excellent piano accompaniment. Irene Smith, as commère once again gave her informative introductions. A lot of thought had gone into the diverse set list. The arrangement of the songs was excellent giving different musical dimensions to the pieces. The vocal ability of the ensemble was used to the full with maximum effect. Highlights of the ensemble work were “For unto Us a Child is Born”, “Anthem” and “Fa La La”, a fun reworking of the festive favourite “Deck the Halls”. The success of the evening was also built on the solo work. Setting the bar Wendy Henshaw captivated the audience with her rendering of “If I Could Be the One” from the forgotten Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent musical “The Card”. Tony Meehan tenderly delivered “Annie’s Song”. Each presentation displayed stage craft. Disney has its fair share of hits, “Colours of the Wind” from Pocahontas being one of them. Jennie Heywood emotionally told the story in song of having respect for nature (a much needed message). Musical theatre was not left out with Pamela Heywood-Connor taking on the cockney flower girl with songs from “My Fair Lady”. Comedy numbers are not easy to get across but Fran Davies knew