Claude, Peter Chapman entertained with faithful Dobbin. In the skin role was Lisa Gavin who never put a trot out of step. As the vain egotistical “all the girls admire me” Carlos (Chloe Swain) and his sidekick, the bumbling Chico (Nathan Orrel), were a good straight and feed comedy duo. In all pantomimes there has to be the challenge between good and evil. Goody Two-Shoes, played by Taylor Pilkington, fought the good fight with great support from the audience cheering her on. Goody Two-Shoes has to take on the dark powers of Fairy Bovver Boots. Alice Hale gave a stand-out performance as she presented a very enjoyable baddie. Once again cameo roles, supporting roles and ensemble playing were all enthusiastically delivered. The Christmas season has started with LOADS annual fun and frolics in Pantoland. It is now time for Gluhwein and mince pies to continue the festive cheer.