SNOW WHITE and the SEVEN DWARFS Written by Barry Crossley Directed by Dawn Leigh Choreographers: Tracy Harper & Olivia Clarke The Drama Dept Now everyone knows the story of Snow White - a kind and beautiful princess who escapes her jealous stepmother's murderous plot and finds refuge with seven dwarfs, only to be revived by true love after falling victim to a poisoned apple. Now, throw in Nurse Nelly, Muddles, and a scouse raver for a mirror, and you’ve got The Drama Dept’s Snow White! From the start I knew this was going to be a great show, as the first characters to appear seemed to be a steam-punk bee, badgers in bejewelled caps, and a plethora of other woodland creatures. The first song, “Wake Up Boo”, got the audience, and the cast, going - and we were off. Scarlett Walsh introduced the show as a very colourful and glittery rhyming fairy - perfectly orated with a slight feeling of exasperation, that showed every time she moved the plot along. Great characterisation. Then we were introduced to Queen Morgana, accompanied by obligatory boos, and her raving scouse mirror, Lucy Fullman - I’m not sure there’s a bit of glitter left in Bredbury! Steph Mead played the evil queen with the right amount of wickedness, perfectly offset by her playful flirtation and silly antics. Her characterisation was spot on, and her vocals were as powerful as her villainous cackles.