side of the stage that changed between sections, and the subtle light colour changes, all added to the cohesive feel of the show. Between sections we had lovely moments with Mike Raymond, telling silly, groan-inducing jokes, and letting us newcomers know a little bit of the history of the society. It gave the cast a chance to change, and a chance for us to feel like part of the family. All the cast members seemed to enjoy themselves, and I must mention that the choreography was done very sympathetically to ensure everyone, of all ages and abilities, could manage the moves. Very nice to see people weren’t just sitting out of numbers due to complicated dance routines. The four-piece band held its own and led the numbers well - great arrangements from the MDs. And the crew and front of house staff were lovely - the crew also doubled up as wait-staff during the interval - love the multitasking! Overall, Strictly Showtime was a feel-good revue show that left us with a warm fuzzy feeling, and the belief that the reason revues are 100% worth the effort is because everyone gets to shine. Many thanks BLOG, or should I say Bollington Musical Theatre Group as they will shortly be known as. We had a lovely evening. Looking forward to your next production.